Featured wine: Laurel Ridge 2016 David’s Tableau Vivant
Do you need an awesome snack that pairs with at home hangouts, pet photo sessions and binge watching reality TV documentaries? This quarantine during COVID-19, has inspired us to add homemade popcorn to our repertoire and lucky for you, we have taste tested and can assure you, it is Laurel Ridge wine approved! This truffle pop is delicious, easy, wine friendly and I can almost guarantee, your grocery store won’t run out of popcorn kernels during a hoarding crisis.
Now, this truffle popcorn recipe does call for two items you may not have in your pantry:
Truffle Hunter White Truffle Oil, and Sabatino Tartufi Truffle Zest (we found both on Amazon Prime*).
We adapted this recipe but followed the cooking instructions exactly. I’ve now made this quarantine popcorn three times and it’s worked each time. Here’s our adapted recipe for COVID-19 Quarantine Truffle Pop:
Follow the recipe above until the popcorn is finished popping. Once you remove your popped corn from the heat, skip the butter and go straight to salting. Sprinkle with sea salt to taste, then lightly dust with your Sabatino Truffle Zest. This part is key. I’ve found that it adds even more to the recipe than the truffle oil alone. Lightly powdering with one hand while agitating/fluffing the popcorn with another is the best way to achieve an even coating of truffle zest.
This popcorn is so good on its own but, of course is best enjoyed with a glass of Laurel Ridge wine. This evening, we’re looking forward to a night of old movies, truffle popcorn and some David’s Tableau Vivant. Salud!
*If you are purchasing these items on Amazon, we encourage you to consider using AmazonSmile and sending your donations to the Oregon Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, or another local organization working to help at-risk populations during the Coronavirus crisis.